Thursday, February 21, 2008

XML What's All That About Anyway?

I recently had to work with XML within SQL 2005. It was a learning experience for sure.

So what is XML?

- XML stands for Extensible Markup Language

- If you've ever seen HTML you'll see the similarity

- The purpose of XML as I understand it is to transport, store, and structure data.

XML seems to be getting bigger and bigger. It is everywhere you turn. Apparently it is a great way to structure data and pull/index data. My use for it was in a XML datatype column. It was an IP Address Management database and it was being used to track different devices such as printers, switches, routers, desktops, servers, etc...As such, these different devices types have different properties that needed to be tracked. The best solution was an XML datatype in SQL 2005 that defines the data for each of these devices.

Please feel free to make any corrections or post comments and I will make corrections. I am certainly not an XML expert.

Below is some sql code that I used to query a table...hopefully it will help someone out I wish I had the TSQL before I started.

Here is the csv that was exported from a test table I had setup to test.

Please feel free to post any comments or questions...Enjoy your XML experience!!!

Some links you might find useful(I borrowed some parts of the example from the first link...:


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